Pets & Animals

Your Dog Has Ear Problems? Could be Food Allergies

Ear problems? Could be food allergies

Washing Your Dog May Prevent Illness

Can you believe that about a third of the body’s cells are dying at any given time and each cell has to eventually be replaced?   And there are so many chemicals and toxins in the world today, that our bodies have to work even harder.

Accumulated toxins as well as normal dirt and debris encourage germs and parasites to flourish. They can also lower energy levels by overburdening normal bodily functions. This toxin buildup may not cause any one particular disease but can make a dog more susceptible to infectious diseases and inflammation.

Activities to Keep Your Dog Busy

Dogs are social, active creatures that like people need attention, activity, structure and in many cases a job! Without daily interaction with your dog trouble will ensue! Bored and neglected dogs get frustrated which can manifest itself in a variety of ways to include acting out with behavior problems by being destructive in the home, not to mention health issues such as being over weight and depressed.


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