
How Often Do You Evaluate Your Marketing?

When was the last time you completely stepped back to take a look at your marketing and judged just how successful it is?

The things that I've noticed is that for many different companies once they get into their marketing routine they stop really paying attention to it. They define exactly what they're going to do in order to appeal to people and that becomes the end of it. This is their marketing campaign and that's all their marketing contains.

Should You Write a Booklet Yourself?

There's a big difference between deciding that you could use booklet printing for your marketing, and writing that booklet by yourself.

If you are able to write a booklet by yourself there's still the possibility that you might not have enough time to, or other things would distract you from it. Writing a full booklet can be a very time consuming venture, which is why you have to have the right subject matter and the right kind of marketing in mind to get it to work for you.

Selling Your Experience with Booklets

Experience is just as much a commodity as any other item you might sell. Each time someone hires you out to perform a service, what they are really hiring is your expertise in your field.

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