12 Principles for Using the Law of Attraction: Part 2
Here are the last 6 of the 12 universal principles which form the basis of all success generated on the planet.
Being ‘universal’ means that they apply to you whether or not you’re aware of them, much like gravity. However, knowing the principles is the first step to increasing your choices and raising your game in health, wealth, love and happiness, so … read on, you’re in the right place.
6. Law of Connection: nothing happens by chance. Every action has a consequence or a reaction. Everything is energy – light, sound, heat, emotions, thought, even those things that appear static or solid, like rocks, sea, cars, jewels and planets. We are connected through this field of energy to all other beings, to the things we desire and to Source itself. All that we do has a greater consequence in contributing to the ‘everythingness’ of the universe. Like a pebble thrown into a pond, the ripples are ever expansive. We reap what we sow.
“Begin to see yourself as a soul with a body rather than a body with a soul” Dr Wayne Dyer
7. Law of Rhythm: everything has a flow. Seasons, cycles, stages of development, patterns. Night follows day, tides rise and fall, wake follows sleep, peace follows conflict and wisdom follows challenge. When we begin to live conscious lives the cycles become clearer and it allow us to step back from challenges, pain or learning curves and say ‘it’s part of life in same way as happiness, victories and progress’ – we live trusting that this too will pass.
“Live each season as it passes; breathe the air, drink the drink, taste the fruit, and resign yourself to the influences of each” Henry David Thoreau
8. Law of Allowing: all things manifest from thought to form in their right time. Our holding to these laws, practicing, refining ourselves and committing to lifelong learning is what’s called for here. If we’re thinking the thoughts and taking the action, the rest is about trusting the process. The more we can let go of our limited agenda and allow the universe to do it’s stuff (and allow other people to do theirs too!), the more room it has to maneuver a stunning result.
“Once we plant the seed of intention in the ground of pure potentiality, our soul’s journey unfolds automatically, as naturally as a bulb becomes a tulip or an embryo becomes a child” Deepak Chopra
9. Law of Patience and Reward: true mastery requires patient persistence, expectancy and joy as we focus on the goal. Know that success doesn’t lie at the destination, it exists in every moment of HOW we journey. Developing that mindset includes the art of allowing and that combination is powerful in manifesting the dream you’re heading for.
“He that can have patience, can have what he will” Benjamin Franklin
11. Law of Humility: the purpose of an individual is unique. Whilst there may be similarities to what other people are creating in their time here on earth, your life is not theirs and theirs not yours. Each life mix is as individual as a fingerprint – history, expectations, family, fitness, intellect and spiritual journey. Allow difference. Respect it. Celebrate it. There are many right ways. Be constantly aware to acknowledge and encourage others’ chosen path and keep well away from comparison unless it serves to inspire you.
“It is not our purpose to become each other; it is to recognize each other, to learn to see the other and honor him for what he is” Hermann Hesse
12. Law of Gratitude: an attitude of gratitude aligns purpose, soul and Source in one straight line. Developing gratitude and feeling it deeply on a moment-to-moment basis (which takes practice!!) is like laying a flawless road for a performance car; the potential for speed is immense. Being grateful when living with challenges is when the skill of ‘reframing’ comes into its own. I want to be thinner – ‘I’m grateful that today I lost a pound’; I want to earn more – ‘I’m grateful for my contacts at director level’; I want to find my soul-mate – ‘I’m grateful for my social life and friends’.
“When you are grateful, fear dissolves and abundance appears” Anthony Robbins
Remember … Everything is energy. And thoughts become things.
This is the briefest outline of the Universal Laws of Success. Knowing them and adjusting your life to fully benefit from them aren’t so far apart, however it requires intimate understanding of the principles and disciplined habit changing. Simple … but not easy. You’ve got to want the results and be willing to do the learning and make the adjustments!
What I can tell you is this though. As a Success with Soul Coach, I’ve seen clients embrace these secrets with dramatic effect– not even all of them, just one or two pertinent to their particular circumstance. I’ve had clients double their salary while reducing the number of days at work; shift to a new career & country; get pregnant after years of trying; get fitness goals on track within weeks; renew on-the-edge professional relationships to a place of respect ; and receive unexpected money in the mail. These are exceptional examples in a short time frame, however they demonstrate that the laws do work. In other cases, clients have reported increased happiness and meaning; a greater sense of connection and purpose; more inspiration and motivation; and an overwhelming sense of peace.
Personally, you can’t put a price on that stuff – it’s where miracles begin.
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