Step by step guide on submitting an article at

This is a step by step tutorial on how to submit an article on The steps included will be:

  1. Register an account
  2. Confirm your account
  3. Login
  4. Fill out your Author Signature
  5. Add a profile picture
  6. Submit your first article

The first step is to register your account. First browse to the home page. Next click on the register new account link to be taken to the registration form. Enter all required fields. Your username should not include spaces. You will use this to login to the site. It will also be displayed in various places on the site for other people to view your author profile. Your email will be used to verify your account, so make sure you have access to the email address you use. Note: many free email accounts may block the verification email sent by Article Yard. It is recommended that you add the domain to your trusted email list. If you do not receive the verification email within 2 hours of registration, it was probably blocked, and you must register again.

Once you have submitted the registration form, you will receive an email with your account details. You must click on the verification link in this email to activate your account. If you are not able to click the link, copy and paste it into your internet browser's location field.

Once your account is activated, login with your username and password you registered with. You can get to the login page by browsing here, or login on the left hand side of the home page in the user login module.

After you are logged in, you will see that your account panel is unlocked on the left hand side. You should see your username at the to of the left hand navigation module.

Now you can fill in your Author Signature. Your Author Signature will be displayed at the bottom of all of your comments and articles. To add your signature click on the My Account link on the left hand side, then click the Edit link in the middle of your account page. You can add up to 2 links, and a total of 500 characters. Affiliate marketing links are not allowed.

Next, add a picture. The picture upload is located underneath the Author Signature in the Edit page of your My Account page. Click browse, then select a picture file that is up to 120px wide/120px height. The max filesize is 50Kb. Once you have an image selected from your computer, click Open, then click the Save button at the bottom the Edit page.

Once these steps are completed, you are in good standing to have your first article published on the site.

The next step is creating your article. Click on the "Create Article" on the left hand side. The title field is required and must be under 100 characters. The title field will not only be used as the main heading on the article page, but also will be used in the URL for your article (ie., so it is recommended to keep it descriptive and on topic.

The main Body of the article must be at least 150 words. You can add up to 4 links within the body of the article. Affiliate marketing links are not accepted, and your article will not be approved.

The format bar located at the top of the Body field can be used to easily add font formatting. The buttons include:

  • Bold
  • Italics
  • Underline
  • Strikethrough
  • Left, Center, Right Alignment
  • Unordered List (bullet points)
  • Ordered List (numbered)
  • Outdent, Indent
  • Undo, Redo
  • Link, Unlink
  • Anchor
  • Blockquote
  • Horizontal Rule
  • Cut, Copy, Paste
  • Clear Formatting
  • Characters
  • Paste from Word
  • Citation

A full list of formatting features is located here.

The last steps to creating an article are to select a category, and add tags (keywords). The category you select is the one and only category that your article may be submitted to. Do not submit the same article more than once to different categories. This is what Tags are for. You can add up to 10 keywords or phrases, separated by commas. These will be used in the same way as the category, and will allow visitors search articles by both category and/or tag.

You can save the article as many times as you want without submitting. Just make sure the Draft radio button is selected, in the Article Workflow box, to keep it in the Draft state. When you have a finished article and you want you will want to select the Review radio button under the Article Workflow box. This will mark the article for sending to the Article Yard moderators for review.

Once you are ready, make sure you proofread your article one more time. Click the Preview button at the bottom of the page. This will provide you with a look at the article summary, and full article. Proofreading is an important last step to find and correct any errors that you might have overlooked. Article Yard would like to approve all of your articles, but can't when there are too many spelling/formatting/grammatical errors.

The last step is to click the Save button at the bottom, and your article will be sent off for approval. The time it takes will vary for approval. You are welcome to submit more articles during this time.